United Nations Office on
Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Vienna, Austria
Doha Declaration
Global Programme
2016 – 2021
Branding & Design
Campaign strategy
Digital media & Social media
Team Lead
Marco Teixeira
Senior Programme Manager
I oversaw the print and digital media activities of UNODC’s largest global programme (Doha Declaration) where I was responsible for various campaigns and events by developing branding items, media packs and outreaching for partnership and collaboration with NGOs, UN entities, academia, and private sector.
Brief & idea.
To promote peace, justice and the rule of law worldwide, UNODC launched the Doha Declaration Global Programme in March 2016 and concluded in September 2021. The programme focused on four inter-related components: enhancing quality education for children and youth on the rule of law through its “Education for Justice” (E4J) initiative; strengthening judicial integrity and preventing corruption in the justice system; fostering prisoner rehabilitation and social reintegration; and preventing youth crime through sports.
1. Education for Justice
Contributing to the sustainable development goal (SDG) 4 – Quality Education, the Education for Justice (E4J) initiative designs education activities for primary, secondary and tertiary levels to help educators teach the next generation to better understand the rule of law issues.
For this initiative, I designed a series of branding items including posters, flyers, wearables and stationaries, and I developed and managed various campaigns in parallel.
Chuka: Break the Silence is a videogame developed by the UNODC Mexico office, which main objective is to create awareness on girls and boys regarding gender-based violence, physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. A campaign #BreakTheSilence was designed with promotional content around this topic being regularly produced and pushed out on social media to promote the Chuka product. View social media pack here.
Model United Nations (MUN) offers a popular way to learn about the United Nations and to give tomorrow’s leaders an insight into negotiating at the international level. E4J developed a resource guide to support MUNers who wish to integrate crime prevention and criminal justice issues into their simulations. The campaign #E4JMUN was designed to promote the guide regularly and to cover the relevant MUN events.
Model UN with THIMUN, Qatar
In February 2019, a Model United Nations conference was held in Doha in collaboration with THIMUN Qatar, bringing 1600+ students around the world to discuss issues of SDG16. Following that, a simulation of CCPCJ was held to discuss topics in UNODC-mandated areas. I covered this MUN conference in Doha with multimedia support, including: Web story; Photographing the event; Social Media live tweets to cover the event; Video and interview recording.
UN Youth Summit at ECOSOC
In April 2019, at United Nations Economic and Social Council’s annual Youth Forum, UNODC invited young people to debate the myriad ways in which youth could become more involved in shaping a safer, more just future. I covered all the UNODC events on site from the UN Headquarters in New York providing media support including interviews, live social media, video and photographing, and news story.
‘The Online Zoo’ book is created under the E4J initiative to teach pre-school and primary school children about Internet safety in a playful way. To promote the book, I created #OnlineZoo campaign with digital media content including graphics and animation to be posted regularly across social media. See social media pack here.
‘The Zorbs’ is a series that tells a story of an imaginary planet and its inhabitants who overcome a range of challenges. The series was designed as a fun yet informative educational tool with a set of animated videos that cover issues related to justice, cybercrime, human rights, gender, and integrity. To promote the Zorbs series, I developed the campaign #TheZorbs and designed the children-friendly branding items including wearables, stationaries, water bottles. View media pack here.
Hackathon for Justice is a partnership between E4J and Africa Teen Geeks that challenges youth at the secondary level to develop mobile apps and online games dealing with crime issues by using coding skills. Between 2017-2019, Hackathon for Justice related activities were rolled out in South Africa, Bolivia, Indonesia, Nigeria and the U.S., attracting more partners on board including Facebook, Instagram, Symantec, and the World Bank. I developed the campaign #Hackathon4Justice to promote the relevant events.
I created the campaign #InspireChangeTogether for a unique educational tool – the E4J University Modules Series. Composed by a set of nine modules, it focuses on essential rule of law subjects including Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Organized Crime, Counter-Terrorism, Anti-Corruption, Cybercrime, Trafficking in Persons, Smuggling of Migrants, Wildlife, Fisheries and Forest Crime, Firearms, and Integrity and Ethics. View social media pack here.
2. Judicial Integrity
Effective, transparent and corruption-resistant public institutions boost confidence and form the core of good governance. The Judicial Integrity initiative assisted judiciaries in strengthening judicial integrity and preventing corruption in the justice sector.
I undertook various missions in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East under this initiative, organized and covered conferences, conducted interviews and other media activities.
Geneva, Switzerland | Mar 2017
On this mission, I conducted three interviews in coordination with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Geneva:
the former UN Special Rapporteur on Education, Kishore Singh at Palais des Nations; Chief of Rule of Law Branch, Mona Rishmawi, OHCHR at Human Rights Council; and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Diego Garcia-Sayan, at Palais Wilson.
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso | Oct 2017
On this mission in West Africa, I covered the two-day conference on my own with full multimedia and bilingual support, including: Press Release in both English and French; web story; photographing and filming; social media live tweets in both English and French reporting the event onsite; and conducted eight interviews in two days with:
– the Minister of Justice of Burkina Faso (H.E. Bessolé René BAGARO),
– the UN Resident Coordinator in Burkina Faso ( Ms. Metsi MAKHETHA)
– the First President of Court of Cassation of Burkina Faso (Ms. Thérèse TRAORE-SANOU)
– the President of Supreme Court of Benin (M. Ousmane BATOKO)
– the President of Supreme Court of Mauritania (M. El Houssein Ould NAGI)
– the President of Supreme Court of Togo (M. Akakpovi GAMATHO)
– the First President of Court of Cassation of Tunisia (M. Hedi GUEDIRI)
– the Counselor of Court of Cassation of France (Ms. Christine CHANET)
Seoul, Korea | Dec 2018
At the international conference of the Judicial Policy Research Institute of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea, UNODC brought together 40 judges and judicial experts to debate ways to improve the recognition of gender issues in the first place, and to identify how gaps or biases, as well as sextortion, sexual harassment, discrimination and stereotyping, could be remedied. I covered the conference on-site with multimedia support, including live social media, video, photography and news story.
Doha, Qatar | Feb 2020 | Event info
The high-level event was held under the patronage of Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar, bringing Chief Justices and senior judges from around the world to discuss important judicial integrity-related topics. Counting over 700 participants from 118 countries and 50 judicial associations and organizations, the conference was at the time the largest gathering of judges ever assembled under the auspices of the United Nations. My team and I covered this event from Doha with full multimedia support.
3. Prisoner Rehabilitation
In addition, I also designed and published the project website using CMS provided by the ITS department of the UN Office in Vienna.
4. Youth Crime Prevention through Sports
Youth face many challenges that make them vulnerable to crime, violence and victimization. Using sports to provide positive experiences and support healthy development in young people, UNODC worked to build important life skills that increased adaptive and positive behaviour among at-risk youth so that they can positively contribute to society.
I designed the brand “Line Up, Live Up” for this initiative and its print materials including publications and wearables, rolled out social media promotion and human story campaign #ChooseSport – a series of one-minute short videos that profile youth across the world who have gone through a transformation with sports and the trainers who promote this approach.
Designed Publication Examples
I adopted a proactive and innovative approach for designing and delivering the overall communication tools, from digital campaigns to print products and from external outreach to internal training workshops. These efforts not only promoted the technical work of UNODC but also generated extensive impact, which was identified both quantitatively and qualitatively. Some of the figures were included in the final Advocacy Report that I produced for the Office, which provided a glimpse of the outcome between 2016 and 2020: 2.1 million people reached in 190+ countries, 23.6 million web views, 13.2 million social media reach, 980 media mentions in 77 countries, and 200,000+ branded products distributed.
During my assignment, I regularly produced infographic reports on the performance of communication and outreach efforts. This included monthly public information reports, periodic updates on the global programme, and reports on individual events and campaigns.
In addition, I also developed UNODC’s first online magazine/newsletter series among the hundreds of print and digital products I created between 2016 and 2021.
Mengting worked diligently and delivered well on her tasks at a high standard throughout the years, producing strong quality products in a range of areas. She led on all design work undertaken as part of UNODC's Global Programme on the Implementation of the Doha Declaration, translating ideas into digital and print outputs and offering unique ideas to achieve this. Mengting is a very good colleague to have on the communications team. As reflected in-depth in this evaluation, she works hard to implement both the skills she has and gain new ones to improve the communications outputs.